Growth from innovation
We recognize that growth comes from continuous innovation in all parts of your business. We focus on helping medical device companies to grow their business by balancing creativity and efficiency in both products and business processes. Whether you are a startup looking to create a sound business plan for your new idea, or you are an established company seeking to retain your entrepreneurial flair, we can help you in designing your business and achieve your goals.
We help companies to:
Growth comes from expanding product offering and market segments, with pricing strategies based on solid value propositions. We support B2B medical device companies with product and market development activities by identifying market insights, creating value propositions, and setting pricing strategies that fully capture the value created for customers.
Successful businesses relentlessly focus on improving internal processes and efficiencies. Improvements are often targeted to current products or services, which can limit the opportunities to introduce new ideas and new ways of working. We help companies to challenge the status quo and look for ways to continuously enhance their internal capabilities.
Business transformation is key for sustainable long-term success. It requires ongoing effort across multiple stakeholders to find new market insights, monitor competitive landscapes and make important decisions on company vision and long-term plans. We support leadership teams with continuous scouting of markets, competitors and ecosystems looking for new growth opportunities.

Alessandro Gubbini

Through endurance we conquer.
– Ernest Shackleton